World food security is expected to worsen as the COVID-19 pandemic persisted throughout 2021, implying that we are moving further away from the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 Zero Hunger by 2030. In response to the severe food security, the United Nations held its first-ever Food Systems Summit in September, hoping to support a global rethink on how to improve the efficacy and efficiency of food systems.
WFP Centre of Excellence forRural Transformation (WFP China COE) aims to share with other developing countries China’s valuable experience and expertise in poverty alleviation, food security and nutrition improvement. In 2021, WFP China COE held 12 seminars and webinars on e-commerce, post-harvest loss management, disaster risk reduction, climate change response among other themes. Rice, Cassava and Juncao technology application are the three new initiatives for WFP China COE's South-South Cooperation engagement. Our knowledge transfer reached out to some 3,700 people from 77 developing countries. Meanwhile, WFP China COE also actively supported field demonstrations at country level in Asia, Africa and Latin America.